
AdBlock for Chrome

AdBlock for Chrome

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AdBlock for Chrome: Reliable browser extension for users that want to block unwanted ads from the websites they visit.

AdBlock for Chrome is a very easy-to-use and very efficient Google Chrome extension that was designed to help block any unwanted advertisements from the websites that users usually visit.

It will start by removing all the advertisements and banners while navigating on the Internet, which will enhance the browser experience and make sure that they do not get distracted from the actual content of the accessed URL.

When the program is done installing, it will add a new button to the browser toolbar, which will enable users to quickly activate or disable the extension.

It also comes with filtering capabilities that will give users the possibility to customize the extension’s parameters, and allow them to choose which ads to block and which not.

AdBlock for Chrome is a very reliable browser extension that will give users the possibility to decide what should be displayed on the visited web pages.

Download Details

  • License:
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  • File size:
    66.50 Mb
  • Updated:
    Oct 28, 2024
  • User Rating:
    4.4 / 5 (5 votes)
  • Editors' Review:
    Not yet reviewed
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