
ATTO Disk Benchmark

ATTO Disk Benchmark


ATTO Disk Benchmark: Performance measurement tool for storage systems

Performance measurement tool for storage systems

Disk Benchmarks have been designed to determine and measure the storage performance of solid state drives, hard drives, RAID arrays and other solid storage systems. By creating this Disk Benchmark, ATTO proves once again that it well deserves to be the leader of network connectivity products and high-performance storage providers. The biggest drive manufacturers, like Hitachi, use ATTO Disk Benchmark for building and testing all their drives.

Compatible with Microsoft Windows, ATTO Disk Benchmark has a series of features that allow you to customize your performance measurement. You can choose to use options like overlapped I/O, queue depth and you can also select the comparison mode that runs continuously. If you want to test or measure the performance of RAID controllers, storage controllers, host bus adapters (HBAs), hard drives or SSD drives, the best option for you is ATTO Disk Benchmark. Use ATTO products and you don’t have to worry about your storage performance anymore because these products will optimize it.


- Supports transfers with sizes between 512 KB and 8 MB
- Support is enabled for 54 KB – 2 GB transfer lengths
- Overlapped I/O is supported
- Support is included for several queue depths
- Different test patterns can be used to perform I/O comparisons
- Continuous testing is enabled via timed mode
- Non-destructive performance measurement can be used on formatted drives

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  • Updated:
    Jul 31, 2019
  • User Rating:
    3.8 / 5 (12 votes)
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