Components & Libraries

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Universal Data Access Components 10.2.1
Useful component library that provides users with a way of accessing databases from their preferred programming environment.
17 / 716
140 Mb
Eclipse SDK 4.7.3a
Open-source Java IDE and platform for apps
84 / 93,536
232 Mb
Qt 6.7.0
A great program that over plenty of right tool when you need to start making your own application projects
11 / 1,682
47.2 Mb
scViewerX 9.15
An immersive ActiveX control tool for viewing and printing HPGL/2 files
75 / 4,954
21.1 Mb
SQL Server Data Access Components 11.2.1
Powerful component library for deploying apps without any effort.
15 / 551
38.2 Mb
OMNeT++ 5.2.1
Simulation library for creating network simulators.
21 / 23,125
475 Mb
Chilkat Python Encryption Library
Easy-to-use program that supports encrypting and decrypting for strings and binary data.
34 / 913
4.8 Mb
RStudio 461
Effective application that integrates many tools that were optimized for the R language.
8 / 732
169 Mb
Jaspersoft iReport Designer 5.6.0
Visual report builder/designer
47 / 15,610
94.7 Mb
Extensibility Studio 4.0
A feature-rich application that lets you extend .NET applications
35 / 2,211
109.43 Mb
GdPicture.NET SDK
A comprehensive Royalty Free Imaging Document Imaging SDK
22 / 1,778
358 Mb
ZylIdleTimer 1.50
A Delphi component that allows developers to set a certain action to be performed after a defined system or application idle duration
24 / 1,418
15.3 Mb
SentiVeillance SDK Trial 7.0.191272
Real-time face identification and movement tracking for video surveillance systems
42 / 2,495
1271.78 Mb
ZylGSM 1.53
A complex Delphi and C++ Builder component you can use to configure a GSM communication system
26 / 1,575
28.4 Mb
VapourSynth r66
A friendly Python component and C++ library that enables you to create video scripts
31 / 2,244
10.5 Mb
Comprehensive operating system detection class to get various information on the OS
26 / 1,473
1.5 Mb
CTrayNotifyIcon 1.77
Create and test system tray icons for development and functionality purposes with the help of this lightweight and simple program.
14 / 1,899
0.0859375 Mb
Clever Internet Suite 9.3
A comprehensive collection of components for Internet development
20 / 1,637
5.26 Mb
jDependency 1.4.3 Alpha
Analyze all of your Java package dependencies with this handy application
24 / 2,419
1.6 Mb
.Net DLL/WSDL Importer for Delphi
Import .Net DLL/WSDL into Delphi and quickly generate Delphi classes from imported assemblies
38 / 1,556
151 Mb