Components & Libraries

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LibRaw 0.21.2
A library for reading RAW files obtained from digital photo cameras.
34 / 2,021
3.1 Mb
LibXL 4.3.0
Library for reading and writing Excel files in C/C++ and C#
49 / 1,841
30.8 Mb
NMath 6.2.0
.NET numerical library.
19 / 1,148
137 Mb
Simd 4.2.74
A free and open-source image processing library for C and C++ programming languages
31 / 1,837
3.1 Mb
TeeChart for .NET 4.2024.4.20
.NET Charting Component Library
16 / 1,090
28.2 Mb
Word Reports
Helps developers create Word documents with their applications.
63 / 3,390
5.7 Mb
Imagex (Wimlib) 1.14.4
Easily manage your Windows Imaging files with this command line tool
96 / 5,328
0.71582 Mb
OpenCV 4.9.0
Open source computer vision and machine learning software library
82 / 4,674
172 Mb
Lazarus 3.0
A powerful Delphi programming environment with an intuitive IDE
52 / 3,266
181 Mb
APEv2 Library
An APEv1 and APEv2 tagging library that can be integrated into freeware programs making it possible to load, save, edit and remove tags
20 / 1,693
16.6 Mb
QxOrm 1.4.9
An ORM database library you can use to integrate Object Relational Mapping into C++ and Qt-based software
23 / 1,553
16.1 Mb
PNG reference library 1.6.37
Portable Network Graphics library.
24 / 1,418
1.7 Mb
uriparser 0.9.7
A strictly RFC 3986 compliant URI parsing library.
65 / 3,686
0.258789 Mb
WPF Controls 24.1.2
Allows you to create applications and implement controls using the WPF development platform.
31 / 2,142
38 Mb
AccessImagine 1.74
A practical application that lets you efficiently process and store images in your Microsoft Access or SQL database projects
18 / 7,357
1.8 Mb
Apache Lucene 8.11.3
An open source text search engine library.
23 / 1,989
94.3 Mb
License4J License Manager 4.7.3
Generate one or multiple licenses and send them via email
27 / 1,712
38.2 Mb
Smack 1.06
A user friendly XMPP (Jabber) client library
21 / 1,933
2.6 Mb
dispy 4.15.1
Execute parallel computations in a cluster, grid, or cloud with this comprehensive framework for Python
25 / 1,857
0.404297 Mb
Jodd 5.1.0-20190624
A generic, lightweight Java utility library
22 / 1,865
1.8 Mb