3D Modeling & CAD

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Professional CAD software for analyzing multiple sequence alignments.
30 / 860
83.8 Mb
OpenDCL Studio
Very efficient application for modifying AutoCAD's DCL.
5 / 839
44.4 Mb
Scan2CAD 10.4.20
Powerful application for converting image documents into CAD files.
6 / 807
126 Mb
54 / 805
133 Mb
iNMR 7.0.4
Powerful tool that is specialized in simulating complex calculations.
6 / 790
1.3 Mb
2D Frame Analysis Static Edition 7.2.9
Powerful CAD software with many advanced features for performing static analysis.
6 / 787
17.7 Mb
XFLR5 6.61
Professional utility for users that need to check the details of an airfoil.
5 / 781
36.9 Mb
Great application for all types of users that want to create complex room layouts for their projects.
7 / 769
377 Mb
Ashampoo 3D CAD Architecture 11.0.0
Useful CAD software for remodeling or renovating a house.
5 / 753
1843.2 Mb
MakeHuman 1.2.0
Reliable application for creating 3D humanoid models.
3 / 713
335 Mb
AutoCAD 2024.0.1
One of the best tools for creating objects with great precision.
4 / 706
10.8 Mb
Bforartists 4.1.1
Powerful 2D and 3D editor that encourages users to pursue their artistic needs.
6 / 702
230 Mb
Proteus PCB Design 8.11 SP0 Build 30052
Gret software with many features for creating printed circuit boards.
4 / 683
25.8 Mb
Free42 3.1.8
One of the best calculus applications for users that work with complex math expressions and precision tasks.
15 / 621
4.3 Mb
RealCADD 5.30
Powerful application that offers many tools for creating 2D designs.
3 / 604
21.7 Mb
DWGSee Pro 2025 6.37
Advanced program for users that need an alternative viewer for AutoCAD drawings.
6 / 581
36.4 Mb